Anti-anorexia/bulimia leagues
While no human experience is identical to another's, writing, reading, and talking about the experiences of others can move us in ways that can be entirely unexpected, because in listening to others we will often find ways of thinking and being that resonate with our own.
The anti anorexic league is an initiative begun in the 1990s by David Epston and colleagues to join together people whose lives anorexia and bulimia have attempted (and sometimes succeeded) in destroying.
Whether joining me in family therapy, or through being connected with others (through letter writing and documents) who have experienced something of what you are going through can assist you in finding your own path to a life worth living.
To read more about my work with the anti-anorexia league read here and to find the testimonies of others whose lives have been affected by anorexia or bulimia click here.